Rockapon QW-100%

Rockapon QW-100%

Rockapon  QW  100%  is  a  mercerizing  and  caustic wetting agent for cotton and cotton/polyester yarns.


Rockapon QW 100% is an odorless (faintly aromatic odors) and low foaming mercerizing and caustic wetting agent which can be used in mercerizing lies of up to 32 Be’.

Rockapon QW 100% is an effective wetting agent in caustic soda from 25-30 Be’. Thus if possible, a caustic soda concentration should not be exceeded from Be’=32. Due to the excellent wetting properties of Rockapon QW 100% on yarns and piece goods, a rapid penetration of the mercerizing lye is achieved, often previous scouring or kier-boiling unnecessary. This product has following advantages: reduced wear on the goods, improved feel, saving of

working time and steam, reduction of scouring losses.