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Rockytan RSN

Rockytan RSN

Rockytan RSN is a Naphthalene based syntan with strong dispersing power and levels dyeing and helps the dyestuffs to penetrate.

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Appearance Brown Powder
Nature Mixture of sodium lignin
Sulphonate & naphthalene
Ionity Anionic
pH (1:10 solution) 7±0.5
Safety According to the best of our experience, it does not have any harmful effect on health
Packing 25 KG PE Bags
Shelf life 1 year

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Rockytan RSN imparts the leather a uniform handle and tight grain, so the grain remains elastic and tanning speed is increased. This product has a medium light fastness.

Rockytan RSN improves the distribution and uptake of retanning agents. It reduces the formation of large particles in vegetable extracts.
