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Rockytan P-98

Rockytan P-98

Rockytan P-98 has good dispersibility of its own and also helps in dispersion of other synthetic or vegetable syntans used with it.

Rockytan P-98 provides compact, mellow and well filled leather and can be used for the production of various types of leathers like nappa, upper or upholstery etc.

To get optimal result, it is advisable to use Rockytan P-98 2.0-4.0% after completion of tanning & before fatliquor.

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Appearance Cream powder
Nature Protein Filler
Solid Content % 98
Solubility Not Soluble
pH (1:10 solution) 7 – 8
Packing 25 KG PE Bags
Shelf life 12 months

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Rockytan P-98 has good dispersibility of its own and also helps in dispersion of other synthetic or vegetable syntans used with it.

Rockytan P-98 provides compact, mellow and well filled leather and can be used for the production of various types of leathers like nappa, upper or upholstery etc.

To get optimal result, it is advisable to use Rockytan P-98 2.0-4.0% after completion of tanning & before fatliquor.

[/vc_column_text][us_iconbox icon=”fas|minus” title=”Storage Conditions ” title_size=”20px” style=”circle” color=”custom” icon_color=”#d20a11″ iconpos=”left” alignment=”left” css=”{“default”:{“color”:”#1a1a1a”}}”][/us_iconbox][us_separator][vc_column_text]

Containers should be well sealed to prevent water evaporation and skin forming. The product must be stored between 5-25°C. Freezing and direct sun. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product prior to use.
