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Rockpigment Shabrang-73

Rockpigment Shabrang-73

Rockpigment Shabrang-73 is a black protein pigment emulsion which is used in any type of leather finishing.

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Appearance Black Viscose Liquid
Nature Protein Resin Carbon
Black Combination
Ionity Anionic / Nonionic
Solid Content,% 35 ± 2
Ionity anionic
pH (1:10 solution) 9 ± 0.5
Covering High
Solubility Miscible in water
Very Good
Safety According to the best of our experience, it does not have any harmful effect on health
Packing 30, 50 & 100 KG PE Drums
Shelf life 1 year

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Rockpigment Shabrang-73 can be used in any type of leather finishing.
Rockpigment Shabrang-73 contains protein resins, so it has great cohesion and film formation property.
It is recommended to use Rockpigment Shabrang-73 with the ratio of 8-15% of mixture.

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Containers should be well sealed to prevent water evaporation and skin forming. The product must be stored between 5 25°C. Freezing and direct sun. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product prior to use.
