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Rockol L-151

Rockol L-151

Rockol L-151 is an anionic soaking and wetting agent which is used in washing and soaking stages.

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Appearance Yellowish clear liquid
Nature Alkyl aryl sulfonate
Activity, % 45 ± 1
pH (1:10 Solution) 7 ± 1
Ionity Anionic
Packing 200 Kg’s PE Drums
Shelf life 12 months

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Rockol L-151 is a good washing and wetting agent in soaking stage for all kinds of skins. It can be used as a strong anionic soap to remove all dirt and impurities from the skins during soaking process. As a good emulsifier, it prepares the skins for the next step and after drying, the wool of sheep will be cleaner and brighter than usual process. The dosage of consumption is between 0.30.7% based on raw weight.
