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Rockbiocide LP-30

Rockbiocide LP-30

Rockbiocide LP-30 is a low toxic fungicide which is especially developed for wet blue protection against mould and fungus attack. Rockbiocide LP-30 is free of PCP and phenol derivatives. It is destroyed in high alkaline media and sulphide containing liquors.

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Appearance Clear Brown Liquid
Nature 2-Thio Cyanato Methyl
Thio Benzothiazole
Activity, % 30 (TCMTB)
Moisture, % 0.5 max
pH (1:10 solution) 3 ± 0.5
Flash Point 130
Ionity Nonionic
Packing 25 Kg’s PE bags
Shelf life 12 months

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Rockbiocide LP-30 must be added as a dispersion in order to assure a uniform distribution. This dispersion must be prepared just prior to use. Leathers which are properly treated with Rockbiocide LP30

have shown good resistance to the fungus attack under storage conditions. For a long term preservation, it is advised to use a higher dosage of the product and finally applying a uniform superficial spraying prior to storage.

Our recommendation for use is:
Up to 0.05% based on raw weight
Up to 0.1% based on pickled weight and before acids addition
Tanning (Wet blue):
0.1 – 0.3% based on pickled weight and at the end of chrome tanning

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Due to various methods of degreasing, processing and also the type of leather, our advice is without any guarantee. Please test with your own choice and formula and keep in certain condition and time duration for fine confirmation
