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Rockbinol 101

Rockbinol 101

Rockbinol 101 is a double purpose nitrocellulose lacquer which can be diluted with water and can be applied by spraying on all types of leather.

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Appearance Milky Liquid
Nature Nitrocellulose resin emulsion
Solid % 17 ± 1
Activity % 100%
Ionity Anionic/Nonionic
Solubility water soluble
Flammability Flammable
PH 6 ± 1
Density 0.993
Viscosity 100 ± 50 CP
Safety According to the best of our experience, it does not have any harmful effect on health
Packing 100 KG PE Drums
Shelf life 1 year

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Rockbinol 101 is mainly used for top coating to impart an attractive natural gloss and good wet and dry rub fastness to the leather.

Rockbinol 101 is recommended as a top coat fixing agent for all types of resin finishes.

Rockbinol 101 is water miscible lacquer and can be applied with spraying method.
Our recommendation for use is about 1:1 to 1:5 with water and 1:2 to 1:3 with solvent.
