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Rockacryl AM-144

Rockacryl AM-144

Rockacryl AM-144 is an acrylic micro binder emulsion with very soft film and excellent penetration. Its film is very thin, flexible and penetrative and leads to a very fast finish. If Rockacryl AM-144 is used in finishing coat, the drying time of the film will be accelerated.

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Appearance Milky Liquid
Nature Acrylic
Ionity Anionic
Content, %
21 ± 1
Film Appearance Very soft and transparent
pH (1:10 solution) 7 ± 0.5
Safety According to the best of our experience, it does not have any harmful effect on health
Packing 100 KG PE Drums
Shelf life 1 year

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Rockacryl AM-144 with its penetrative effect can be used single or in combination with other Rockacryl groups in any type of leather finishing. Moreover, it is an important base of the aniline and semi-aniline finishes where a very natural feel and touch is needed. Those leathers which have been finished with micro binder Rockacryl AM-144 have great smoothness, flexibility and touch.

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Rockacryl AM-144 is cold-sensitive, so in storage and transportation must be kept away from freezing.

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The product should be well sealed and must be stored in covered area between 5-25°C.
Freezing and direct sun light must be avoided.
